There are so many neat kids books out there and we sure do have a lot of books. I knew I wanted a book collection for my kids and once I got pregnant with Noah I started buying them. I didn't know what we were having boy/girl yet so it was something I could start getting before we found out. I did a lot of Ebay auctions and got some good ones but others we have just got here and there as we saw them, and have added to their collection each birthday and Christmas.
I love reading to the boys. I love getting to cuddle with them as they sit in my lap and here their thoughts and in Carson's case his cute little 19 month old words. I'm so glad that each one of our boys enjoy them as well.
Here are our favorites and some that I'm excited about as they get older.
We're All God's Creatures- It's a touchy, feely book and is good for young ones, not too many words on each page.
The Jesus Book- Haven't read this one much yet, it has a mini bible study on each page and also had a CD to go along with it of Bible songs. In a few years, I hope the boys cling to this one.
Baby's First Bible- We got one of these for each of the boys at their baby dedication at our church. Noah many times has asked to read his bible. Blesses my heart so much and love that he likes to read it. This is a good intro at his age (3)
Letters-ABC - This one has a page for each letter along with pictures and it's dry-erase so kids can practice writing their letters.
God Made You Special- Awesome Veggie Tales book with a great message
Love You Forever- A classic. I remember my dad talking about this one when I was little. Noah already loves it! Such a great story.
Clap Your Hands- We have had 2 Elmo Lovers and this one is so cute because it has a connecting Elmo Puppet to use while you read/sing the songs
Colors, ABC's Numbers- Both boys have loved this one. It's awesome it has pages for letters, colors, abcs, opposites, and shapes. It teaches a little bit of everything. We used this a ton with Noah and have started it with Carson and he loves it as well. It's one of our first books to fall apart. It doesn't stay together anymore (boo!)
So Big- Another Elmo one and if I had to pick one book, I would say this one was both boys favorites when we first started reading books to them.
Wheels on the Bus- Another classic, and this would be both of their 2nd favorites. It's weird that they both have loved some of the same ones.
The Very Hungry Catepillar- This should be in everyone's library. Love it. We have the big and little version and the matching stuffed catepillar. Kohl's sells this one periodically I believe as part of their Kohl's Cares for Kids
Toes, Ears, and Nose- Every kids book library needs a book for their body parts. We have a few different ones but I like this one the best because it has flaps and is interactive. Any book with something for them to do, keeps their attention that much longer.
Thomas Play Book- Had to put at least one Thomas on the list, Noah is obsessed with anything Thomas and we have oodles of Thomas books but this one is great because it has magnetic trains that he can move througout the book and play along with the story. We have a few different ones of these and love them all.
Will be linking up tomorrow with Kelly's Korner for Show Us Your Life.
And also Not Your Average Crazy for Family Fridays

Thanks so much for this post. I am always looking for cute books for Jackson. I've just been buying a book here and there and got a few cute ones at a yard sale. :-)