Linking up with Lauren today for
I love Fridays, for 1) Because I get to stay home with my boys. This week I got a bonus because I didn't end up working yesterday, Daycare was closed and I had a boy recovering from the flu, that made for a 1 day work week (I usually only work Tuesdays and Thursdays, in case you wondered)
When I stay home we get to do things like this....Veg out for a few minutes after an extreme pillow fight!
2) I made this super healthy smoothie today with my new Ninja blender. It was pretty good but I will do a little tweeking. I got the blender on clearance at Walmart for $20. I was amazed at how awesome the blender worked, much better than the cheapo I've had for years.
3) I don't normally take self-portraits but did on Wednesday. I was going to do a What I Wore Wednesday as kind of a joke but decided not to, thought I would include it here instead. I stayed in yoga pants and a sweatshirt ALL DAY! The whole family was home and we had a relaxing day and didn't do much. It was great. I even went to the store in this to get something I needed for small groups that night. I thought about getting dressed before our small group kids got here but decided it was already 6:30, there was no point, I stayed comfy instead. When I said ALL day I meant it.
4) My weekly chores are done! ( at least until Monday) I even grocery shopped early again this week. I have nothing I have to do this weekend. Love that feeling!
5) We survived my 3 year old's first bout with the flu. He did awesome and hasn't got sick since since early Thursday morning! So far the rest of the family is still good and hope it stays that way!
I'm ready for the weekend. We are supposed to have some warmer weather here in Illinois. The sun is shining. I have a big run planned for tomorrow and that's it. Looking forward to a few relaxing days!
Have a great one everyone!