This week has been a weird one.
I have slacked off from the blog big time. Usually every night after boys go to bed, I work online but this week just pretty much went straight to bed each night. Monday I had a great day with my boys and decided I should probably quit blogging ( I have a lot of random thoughts each day) but then by Wednesday I circled back to realizing how much I really do enjoy it and I shouldn't quit. However, I still went to bed the last few nights and neglected writing.
Do you ladies ever get in a blogging funk? One where you feel it's pointless, you are wasting time? Then you quit writing and reading for a few days and feel like a lost puppy and miss your blog world?
Yeah, that's me, this week!
Anyways onto some randomness about my week!
Here is a picture from my awesome Monday with my boys. We just had a great day, I love when that happens! Little screaming, fighting, and lots of smiles, laughter and sweet moments!
Tuesday I planted the first flowers of the year, may be the last who knows. Noah helped me pick them out. He wanted yellow, I didn't. I wanted pink, he didn't, so we got white instead. Once I planted them he let me know "mom the flowers are beautiful!"
If you aren't friends with me on facebook, then you didn't see that I ran this on Wednesday.
I met my mom at 5:45. I got plenty of sleep the night before. Weather was great! I had my Genesis Pure Energy. The week before our 9 miler went really well. I was ready. Until we were a few miles in and I was already tired ( did I mention my mom took me on a new route for me and it was HILLY, yeah on my longest run to date, not a good idea! ) I remember hearing her phone tell us we hit 5 miles. I was like that has to be wrong, I'm already done. If I would of been alone I probably would have given up around 8 but I ran through it and finished and in good time too! It was just one of those off running days, where it was HARD! Adding 3 more seemed impossible so hoping my 11 miler this next Wednesday goes better! It will be my last long one before race day. Did I mention that, this run also caused me to loose 3 pounds? Yeah it was awesome until the next day when it had come back, haha!
Yesterday I was still thinking about my junky run and finally remembered to stop by our bike store that sell the sports fuel goodies and bought me some stuff for next weeks run, and Marathon Day.
I bought Gu Gel and some Shot blocks. I have been using my moms the last two runs so I owe her some.
I haven't tried the Gu yet but will try it next week so that way race day isn't my first try.
I felt like buying this stuff made me a "real " runner. It was weird, because I have always wanted to be one and I feel like I actually am now.
I feel like I should start this paragraph...
You know you are a complete dork when??
You don't have music on your iphone, ( I actually still use my mp3 player)
You still buy CD's
Better yet, you buy a NOW CD
When I first started running I bought Now 44 to have some new music to run too because the music I had on there was all from like 2006-2007 it was sad.
It also made me feel old because the last Now CD I bought I had on my mp3 player and it was Now 19.
Today on my 5 miler, I jammed out to this baby, it was fun!
My new Honest products finally arrived! I had thought I ordered them weeks ago, went to check and realized I forgot to checkout my cart, whoops minor detail. Anyways got them really ordered. They arrived today and I can't wait to use them. You bet I will have a review on them up once I do. This cleaning freak gets excited about weird things like this!
I made these delicious cookies today! Saw them on Pinterest and have been wanting to try them. I got them a little more on the done side than I normally do but they are still good. I will be making these again for sure and baking them for a little less time. You can find the recipe
Will be busy tonight and tomorrow getting ready for my hubby and his twin brother's 30th birthday party cookout at our casa on Saturday night! We really are getting old! Then Sunday onto Mother's Day festivities! It will be a busy but fun weekend!
Have a good one!