It's Friday and I'm about to be a single mom until next Thursday when I leave for San Diego. My hubby is heading out on a mission trip this evening and won't be back until after I'm gone, our trips overlap each other.
We will miss him and I'm sure we will have some rough moments but we sure have had a great week!
I could go on and on about how cute my kids have been this week. They seriously have been doing so much growing up lately. So many times this week I have just sat, watched them talk and play and just been overwhelmed with thankfulness for them. They have been killing me with the cutness for sure!
Here goes ...
1) Tuesday I got my nails filled and picked out a bright pink for my nails. Seriously in love with it. I'm pretty sure looking at them brightens my mood!
2) Wednesday, my sisters and I took my kiddos shopping. ( we can't really "shop" in our town so we had drove to a town 70 miles away and also stopped at some outlets along the way) It was great having the my sisters along to talk with and help out with the boys, couldn't have done the whole day alone. I found some great deals, Gap Outlet was 50% off, AE was 40% most everything at the outlet, kid stores always have good deals there. Found some cute stuff for Matthew, the boys and myself including a new swimsuit that I'm a little obsessed with. Chevron and jewel tone colors, we were meant to be! You can see a picture of the suit on the side of my blog on my instragram feed if we aren't already friends.
The boys were really good considering the car ride, and the fact that they were constrained to the stroller most of the day. By the time they we headed home, they were wiped out. Here was my the view of the backseat.
Even Aunt Hannah fell asleep!
3) Then Wednesday night we went out for dinner and my hubby surprised with an early Anniversary present, a new band to add to my rings! I had been asking for this since like our first anniversary and he told me I had to wait until 10. He gave in early, it will be 7 years for us next week. Can't believe it has been that long, time flies and more on our anniversary later! The new one is a little bigger than the first one but that's fine with me, I love it!
4) My boys are best friends and it melts my heart! God knew what he was doing when he made them so close together. It can be very stressful and hard at times but also the best thing in the world to see them having fun together.
5) Loving that I have gotten in lots of cuddles this week. This week has been one of those rare occasions that actually seem to be happening more often lately where I can just relax and not care about all the little things. My to-do list is really stacking up. My house chores aren't done for the week. I have things that I honestly need to get done as well but instead have been soaking up the sweet time with my boys.
My house is always going to need cleaned but they are only going to be this age now. Most days I can't seem to grasp that but glad this week I have!
6) Went and saw The Great Gatsby last night with my wonderful book study friends. I always have a great time with them. The movie wasn't what I expected but it was still okay and I was out with great company so that always helps and the chairs, they were nice! I got to sit and do nothing for 2 whole hours, can't complain about that!
7) I have nothing I had to plan for this weekend! It seems like for so many weeks in a row I have had something that I was getting ready for and this week has been fairly calm. Thank you!
Have a great weekend, I will be hanging out solo with my boys! Hoping for some nice weather because my boys are always happiest outside!

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