Anyone else ready for life to slow down? I know I sure am. Lately I feel like I'm always getting ready for something! It has been a few busy months!
Friday I stayed home with my two cuties as usual and also had my precious, amazingly well behaved nephew. He will be 1 in June, and is such a doll and I was amazed at how well he entertains himself! I seriously was in awe !
Here was my ornery little one, this boy will not stay off the counters! Once I caught him he scooted back and tried to "hide"
The three boys playing with cars and trains! Adorable they were!
Saturday morning the boys and I ran a ton of errands getting ready daddy and Uncle Nathan's birthday party! They turned the big 30. That evening we had a 24 adults and kids over so it was a full garage/ house. I had never tried it before but we ate in the garage and it was perfect, plenty of table space and not to cold / hot in there. After dinner we headed inside to hang out and let the kids play in there so we could keep tabs on them better. It was a great night of fun with friends and family!
Matthew and his twin blowing out their candle
Birthday Boys
Then on Mother's Day we went to church, came home cleaned the house, played, watched a little TV to relax the boys before nap. Then Sunday night my mom, and one of my sisters and her family came over for dinner and cake to celebrate my mom for Mother's Day and her birthday which is actually today!
I just want to give a shout out to my wonderful mom and share with you all how beautiful she is inside and out! My mom is sooo hard working, dedicated, driven, strong, giving, fun to be around, and loves with all her heart.
She amazes me every day at how hard she works, and how she is just always giving of herself to others! I love her soooo much!
She is also a marathon runner and has ran over 10 marathons in the last 10 years! She is the reason I'm running my first half in June. While I'm struggling to finish 13.1 she will rocking the 26.2 mile race. She is below in the orange! I have always looked up to her for running and working so hard to get where she is and now I actually get to do some running with her. I have loved it!
Here are some of my sisters and I with my mom at a wedding last summer. Mom is on the far left!
She has one more year until she hits 50, I hope when I'm her age, I look half as good as she does! Love you momma!
We failed to get a fancy dressed up Mother's Day photo but here is my boys and I chilling after church getting ready for our naps, which we all took awesome ones by the way!
Hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day!

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