Quick and Easy Menu this Week
Not the healthiest week we have had but my stress levels need to go DOWN this week and I'm trying to help it out!
Monday- Using one of my meals from my freezer cooking day, Chicken Pot Pie. Weird for our warm weather but want to use it before it really gets warm here!
Tuesday- On your own, hubby has a meeting right after work and probably won't be coming home.
Wednesday- Steak, Rice, Green Beans
Thursday- Chicken Quesadillas and Salad
Friday- BLT's and Sweet Potato Fries, I'm having a garage sale so gotta be quick!
Saturday- Out to Eat, We have lots of good gift cards now since it was just Matthew's birthday!
What's on your menu this week, anything you love that you think we should try next week??
Linking up with Org Junkie!

Yum, BLT's! I wish my kids would eat sandwiches for dinner!!