Last week the hubby and I headed to Las Vegas for a work conference. Every year this conference is in April, when the weather is great, in a great location, amazing hotels, and never fails to disappoint in how we are taken care of. I actually really look forward to going to these because it is work but yet fun and entertaining at the same time. Matthew and I went to Las Vegas the first year we were married and while we aren't gamblers or drinkers we still enjoyed walking around and seeing the sites.
This year was just as great as others. I spent time in meetings but got to do some shopping, sightseeing, had a chance to run each morning, laid out, tried some new foods, and had some time for relaxation too so it all equaled out.
Now I said before that I wasn't a gambler but I did put in $2 and got it up to $6.20. Matthew said to keep playing until I won more and or until it went back down to $2 and since I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to gambling I placed a $4 bid on accident and lost it quickly. We did see some other lucky big winners though as we walked through casinos.
We had to check out the Bellagio water show again. I remembered loving it the last time we were there. Pictures just can't show how awesome it is and how cool it is that they can make the water seem like it's dancing to the music and the height it goes is incredible.
We also got to watch the show from our floor in the hotel.
Sightseeing at the Wynn. We went there to watch their night show over their water, it wasn't anything too exciting
This was a neat lit up tree/ flower tunnel at the Wynn. The things these hotels do are just so over the top!
Every year for the conference on Saturday night there is a huge event. Last year they rented out Sea World and it was just us there. This year they rented out Pure Night Club. Night clubs aren't really our thing but it was fun to get dressed up, see what the big deal about the place is ( it was a really neat set up and decorated place), and get to have some delicious free food!
We really didn't get any good pictures because this girl forgot her camera so this is it, the hotel selfie ( fancy I know)
Sunday was a completely free day, we slept in until the late hour of 7. I got a run in and then we headed down to the pool and stayed there most of the day! It was awesome having nothing to do and just to lay there and be lazy. We then cleaned up and joined the tourists checking out the sites and tried to hit some of the free hotel shows like the Wynn and Treasure Island.
We enjoyed dinner together at an Italian restaurant in the middle of the indoor Forum Shops. The ceiling in the shops in the background was made to look like a sunset because it mimics the outdoors. It's sunny during the day, and stars come out at night!
We had a great trip, but it was also great to get home to our kiddos. Their faces when we pulled into the driveway was priceless! Carson just stared at us like he couldn't believe we were home. I wish I could have heard what was going on in that brain of his. Then Noah just kept saying things all night and the next morning like " I missed you sooo much mommy", "mommy you're my best friend", mommy your are my sweet little girl", and " I love you so much".
There isn't anything like home!
Have you ever been to Las Vegas? What was your favorite hotel?

sounds like a really fun trip! i'm going to vegas for the first time labor day weekend and i'm so excited!