What is your shopping weakness? Ugh... Everything. I just like to buy a little bit of everything. Handbags, scarves, jewelry, tops, dresses I usually never wear, and cute flats. I have a problem! To try and be more specific I could narrow it down more to lately it's been mint. I have bought a purse with mint all over it, mint bracelet and earrings, mint shorts, mint jeggings, and a few mint tops. I am so loving that color this year!
What is your food weakness? Chicken Alfredo, Candy- anything gummy and fruits. Somedays chocolate just depends on the day but I usually eat candy over chocolate.
What is your go to movie when nothing else is on? Not a movie watcher, I a lot of nights don't even turn TV on just go straight to computer when it's time to relax.
Do you drink coffee? If so how do you take it? I'm not a coffee drinker. Never have been never will be most likely even thought I love the smell. I do really like hot chocolate though. Instead of coffee my caffeine comes from Genesis Pure, Pure Energy. Take it every day with a little bit of water. You can ready more about it here if you would like.
Have a great Sunday!

I should try that energy stuff! I definetly need some
ReplyDeleteThese days and coffee just isn't sounding good to me lately!