I received 2 bottles of the new Palmolive Soft Touch Dish Soap. The pink is infused with Vitamin E and the tan is Cocoa butter. The first thing I noticed was that they both smell wonderful. Most of the current products in our house are all unscented.
A little over a year ago I started looking for healthier options for a lot of the products in our home and started selling Norwex. It was at that same time I switched over to mostly all Norwex products so I haven't bought any dish soap from the stores in a long time. Since I received them though I did give them a try. I used the pink which is the Vitamin E and have washed a full batches of dishes with them. They cleaned as well as any other dish soap, and filled my kitchen with a wonderful scent. I was also really surprised these did leave my hands feeling very soft. They actually felt smoother after I washed dishes which was crazy to me. If you buy dish soap at the store and usually use Palmolive, Dawn or any other brand I suggest you give Palmolive Soft Touch a try.
I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.

Hi Jen,
ReplyDeleteThis dish soap looks like it smells wonderful! I will have to pick some up next time I go to the grocery store. It's hard to find Vitamin E in certain products. It's not in everything. I prefer it because it keeps your skin looking youthful. You really have to look for it on the label sometimes.