I cannot believe I will be joining around 30,000 other runners next Sunday for the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon. I've never been a runner but magically became one this spring. I ran a few times in January, then started working on it from February on. I can't believe I have worked up to 11 miles in the last 12 weeks and am about to break that by doing 13.1 on Sunday.
My emotions are everywhere. I watched a marathon video this morning and cried. Running is a challenge.
It's a mind game. My mind always wants to quit before my body.
My first few miles are a challenge every time I start hitting the pavement. I usually want to stop because starting those first few is hard.
Then I usually find my groove around mile 3 or 4. Each week I haven't given up and have met all of my goals thus far.
Each Wednesday I do my "long runs" and they have been increasing by 1 mile each week for awhile now.
Each week I felt like I was about to my max, but the next week I have made it one farther.
Next Sunday I will be running 2 miles farther than I ever have.
That makes me nervous but so excited to cross that finish line. I know I can and will do it!
I know I'm about to feel a runner's high like I have never felt running in the midst of thousands of people and seeing the 60,000 spectators that come to watch.
That moment is going to be emotional. I'm also sad that when I cross that finish line my hubby won't be there to see it. He is flying home from Honduras that day so I most likely won't even be able to talk to him until later in the day. I already decided if I do another it will be closer to home so that I can have someone there waiting for me.
I'm hoping I will not only have pictures to share afterwards but an awesome race time to share as well. My last few runs my pace has been increasing so I'm hoping that's it's just a bad week and I can get it back down for the race. I really want that time under 2 hours, but trying to tell myself 2:15 will be okay as well!
Thursday, my mom, sisters and I will be flying out to have a few days of vacation before the race. Since I'm a single mom all week while Matthew is gone I know I am going to be ready for some time away and am so looking forward to spending some quality time with just us girls! We are going to have a blast!
Wish us luck!

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