Friday night we had my cute nephew Elijah's birthday party! Can't believe how big he is!
The boys had a blast playing with cousins and as always loved their ice cream!
Then they also had a pinata so Noah got to take a stab at that as well.
Then Saturday morning I got to hang out with my boys, spent naptime working on Garage sale pricing for a massive sale we are having in two weeks!
Saturday night we had family date night, which consisted of dinner at our favorite mexican restaurant, followed by a visit to a local Tow- Mater look alike. Of course that was a hit! Then we ended the night with ice cream and a trip to Matthew's grandparents to visit some family! Love date nights with my boys. They were so good at dinner and funny boys in the car. One of those nights you just couldn't stop smiling!
Sunday I toughed it out and went for a run. Friday I was supposed to but woke up not feeling well so skipped. Saturday it was really raining so did the elliptical instead, so this morning I looked outside saw it was stilll raining (surprise, surprise) and decided I needed to just get out there and run, plus I really wanted to anyway been craving a good one. I told myself since it was raining to at least do 3, run started out rough and not so fun, but after awhile it was actually kind of nice running in the rain (until the water started dripping down my face from my hair) . And got in more than 3
Then it was church, an awesome nap and dinner with my mom, sister and our boys!
Another great weekend!
Linking up with Sami for

Fabulous! Family date nights are the absolute best, im assuming that the mater look a like is equivalent to a Disney princess! ;) so fun!