We're Home!
We had a great trip. I can sometimes be a negative Nancy and pictured our trip being way more difficult and not going nearly as well as it did. Carson was such a happy boy at the resort, I don't blame him I loved it there too. Noah loved being with cousins. Lines were fairly short. Boys were in awe. You get the idea. Things went really well. Of course we had those moments and meltdowns by kids and moms (We did have 7 kids, that were 6 and under). But the wonderful happy moments far outweigh the stressful ones. This will be a trip I will always remember. I'm not sure Noah will, and I know Carson won't but we have the pictures and their smiles ingrained in my memory.
Here was the rundown of our week.
Sunday night flew in to Orlando, got in late.
Monday bright and early headed off to Magic Kingdom for the day, came home in the afternoon for naps and back at night for some more rides and the awesome light parade/fireworks
Tuesday- Hung out at the resort swimming, eating, played at the playground and just hanging out
Wednesday- Hollywood Studios for more shows and rides, back for naps in the afternoon. Swam and more playing in the evening.
Thursday- Pack up, ate lunch and headed home!
It was a good amount of time, not too short, and not too long. When the kids get older I could see spending more time at the parks but at their age this was the perfect amount! We got to do what we wanted but didn't over exhaust ourselves. ( I did take naps with the boys, it was wonderful)
Now for the photo reel!
Carson's first time flying and he did great. He got really nervous/scared at takeoff and landing but handled it well. Just wanted to hold on to his momma.
Noah, the helper. He thought it was his job to buckle Carson in.
Waiting to get on the monorail to enter Magic Kingdom. My poor baby was teething, had his fingers in his mouth a lot lately.
Our family. Boys were not wanting to look at the camera. I don't blame them, Mickey Mouse and friends were on stage singing and dancing!
My boys and I on the monorail heading in
Disney you are a magical place
Noah seeing Mickey up close and personal for the first time was priceless. He loved it and wasn't shy at all. Gave hugs and high fives and even talked to him.
My water baby
My big water baby. He is fearless in water.
Riding Toy Story 3D ride. Mommy got into this one too.
My hubby, his twin brother, our two boys and one of my nephews heading to the playground at the resort
Boys got to meet Lightning McQueen and Mater. Noah was a big fan!
More water fun at the kiddie area at the resort. I seriously loved this place, a lot to do around the grounds.
Mickey Time
Someone was too wore out and took a quick cat nap
Waiting in line to ride Dumbo
Boys posing on Dumbo
Another priceless memory. The afternoon parade. Carson danced, clapped and waved the whole time. I think it was one of his favorite times, haha at 1 1/2 and Noah loved it too. He thought everyone was waving at "him" the whole time. He just keep smiling and waving.
My sweet baby on the flight home. He was out just about right after we took off and napped the majority of the flight. It was perfect!
Noah and Micah ready to leave the first morning in their gear!
Snuck back to see Mickey again for more hugs!
All the kiddos on the last night swimming ! Love that they have cousins their age and that we are so blessed to have each other. I'm lucky too my SIL's are great. Love hanging out with them!
Disney I'm sure we will meet again someday !

Looks like you guys had so much fun!!! I can't wait to take Max to Disney Land.