Happy early Easter!
These pictures were taken last weekend and our wonderful photographer put a teaser online that I just couldn't wait to share.
Aren't my boys just stinking cute?
My oldest Noah is 3 and starting to really act like a big brother. Carson is at that fun age where he is into everything, won't sit still and there is no way to reason and rationalize. Noah just kept staring at the camera, saying cheese with his silly smile while we tried to snap shots in between Carson moving all over instead of sitting still for the camera.
Having 2 boys 20 months apart, is challenging, but rewarding. I love watching them talk, play and interact with each other and it blesses me so much. I love to see Carson trying to be just like his older brother and I love to watch Noah try and take care of Carson and be sweet with him.
This morning Carson woke up first and cuddled with me on the couch for a few minutes but didn't wait too long before he was ready to get up and wanted to go find "Woah" as he calls him. He follows him around and laughs at everything he does.
Last night Carson wasn't acting like himself (he had shots earlier in the day) and Noah was being sweet, rubbing his back, and brought him the Ipad and instead of putting on something that he liked, he put on Elmo for Carson, and sat by him.
One of those moments you just want to freeze and squeeze them to death.
Wouldn't trade my family for the world!

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