This weeks High Five for Friday
1) We live in a small town, hardly anywhere to go shopping. Yesterday I took off work and got to go to Champaign, the nearest town with a real mall and stores. And the best part is I went alone. I got to go where I wanted, for however long I wanted and got to take my time (for the most part anyway, I did have to get my kids from dayare)
I have been looking for mint jeans and after trying on quite a few pairs I finally found one with a decent fit. I got some other great stuff too for summer! It may not be time to wear it yet, but I sure am ready. Then of course the majority of what I bought was for the boys and mostly Noah. He doesn't have anything for warm weather at least Carson can wear Noah's stuff from last year. And I can never go shopping without getting them a few matching shirts! Love when they match! We really get the twin comments then.
2) The weather was awesome today. We got to go outside! Noah got a bike for his January birthday and has been riding it in our basement. He's so good at it (with training wheels of course)
Carson is my super outdoorsy kid. He's just wild, he loves to run, climb, throw rocks and be a boy!
3) Got the boys new sunglasses shopping yesterday, they were trying them on We are heading to Disney in 3 1/2 weeks!
4) I didn't run this morning, it was cold and dark and I knew it would be warmer later so I ran after dinner instead. It was 57 degrees out, and it felt great running without all the winter gear on. I could get used to this! Apparently I run faster when it's warmer because I got my time down a little bit.
5) Matthew took Noah to a variety show so Carson and I hung out at home together. He was a different kid tonight without his brother. Super happy. We played, watched some TV, danced, laughed and got to rock him to sleep. Thinking we should do date nights with the boys more often.
All my high fives are all from yesterday and today but I had some good ones so didn't need to go back any farther, that's good right?
Have a great weekend !

jealous your going to disney! i got alone time with rylin the other day and she soaked it up! i always kind of have that "mom guilt" about how much alone time ian got and how little rylin has gotten