But we had a problem, there isn't anywhere upstairs to put a desk. My "office" is downstairs so last year to fix that problem we put a command center in our laundry room. (which is right off the kitchen)
My command center consisted of a dry erase monthly calendar, a frame that held my cleaning checklist and weekly menu plan that make it dry erase. Then below that was slots for bills and other incoming mail, and another dry erase for notes and to-dos. I then made a household binder. If you don't know what that is or haven't seen one, I'm cuing Pinterest for this one. There are tons of beautiful ones and way over the top ones found there. I won't show you mine because, well I put those ones to shame. Mine was basic, the front was plain but it worked. The binder had a front pocket that I put everything to file away, I then had sections for things that I needed/ wanted easy access to upstairs. It was set up similarly to this one below from Jen @ IHeartOrganizing.
It was working okay but wasn't perfect. For example, when doing bills, I would have to get my binder out and the basket off the top of the fridge that held my calculator, stamps, and envelopes. (hard work, I know) And basically I had that silly basket on the fridge for junk that would be in my desk. I never liked it up there.
Then a few months ago binder broke so I needed to get a new one or rework the whole system. I love organizing anything so I decided to try something else and this is WAY better for my house and the way I do things. Now I have what I like to call my mobile desk! I had a holder similar to this in the basement I brought up and had been using the last few months but it just wasn't quite big enough so yesterday I picked up this much bigger version at Target that is just perfect.
The front has a small section for pens. Then their are two short rows that hold, post its, calculator, stamps and paper clips. The next one is for envelopes and mailing labels.
Then the biggest part is where I can fit ALL of my folders (this time I'm using hanging because I put the others in their and they were short and fell then I realized hanging fit perfectly. One of those moments when I was thinking I was really smart for figuring that out, but knowing me it was probably shown on the tab like that and I just threw it away without paying attention.)
I just love it. Everything I need in one place and I can move it all at once. It has found a nice little home in our laundry room!
Do you have a command center, binder or some other way of organizing your paper? If so I would love to hear about it. This girl is an organizing junkie. It's sad that projects like this completely make my day!

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