This weeks questions are:
1) What is your favorite thing about Spring? Opening the windows, Flowers, feeling motivated by longer days, able to walk outside (will be running this year), not having to bundle up boys anymore and grilling out
2) Favorite kind of flowers to grow or receive? Tulips or hydrangeas I love tulips but wished they lasted longer.
3) What is your favorite nail polish color? I'm boring, I have a bad habit of peeling my finger nails so I don't ever paint my nails. Hoping to get nails put back on in a few weeks and maybe will do some fun colors after that. Since I'm a little obsessed with mint and coral this year maybe I will do one of those.
4) What is your favorite outdoor activity? Love outdoor games, taking kids to park, eating outside and walks and of course trips to Homewood (our delicious ice cream stand in town.)
5) Do you have any fun Spring plans? Yes, more than usual. This next weekend we are going to my grandparents in Georgia for Easter. Then 2 weeks later we are taking the boys with a lot of Matthew's family to Disney for a few days. Then Matthew and I are going to Las Vegas for a work conference towards the end of April without kids. Then our last big trip planned is I'm going with my sisters and momma to San Diego for a quick vacation and my first 1/2 marathon. It's going to be a busy next few months but I'm excited to be getting out of Illinois here and there.
It's weird to be talking about Spring like it's here, because it's supposed to be. However at the moment in Central Illinois it's snowing and we could get over 6 inches. It definitely looks like winter right now so Spring sounds wonderful. This has been a long winter!
Have a great Sunday!

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